Monday, April 8, 2013

From the Sculptress: Here we go again...

Here we go again...

It's finally done. Well... that is not entirely true but I have gotten the doors t the gallery opened and have the first exhibit in. Just a couple small but hopefully enjoyable additions have yet to be addressed but I do not think their delay will detract from the enjoyment of the gallery.

If some of you had doubts I would ever actually reopen the gallery you would not be alone. I was not sure it would open back up myself. Life does these things like get in the way, unfortunately this was not one of those situations. I was having a hard time having any sort of motivation, just turning on the computer would take effort because I may have to explain to people why I have been taking so time. And all the harder when I have nor real answer. Though I have finally done it and I am going to damn the consequences and get this done. Because I owe it to all of the great friends, family, and supporters of the gallery.

First and foremost I would LOVE for you to come down and see the great build. The new gallery was designed and built by the wonderful Lita Moraine or Sweetie. Above all else I would say it was my desire to do right by her for all of her hard work and fill that sucker. Between mesh and texture work this girl has gone above and beyond what I could have ever asked her to do. Thanks dear, a million times over.

Ok, no more excuses, lets take the gorgon by the serpents look her in the eyes and get to posing.

Your friend and devoted curator,
Monyca Medusa Meiyers

In case you have never been t the gallery before, don;t remember where it's at, or am just to lazy to walk. Here is a SLURL.
The Gallery Lapideus

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