Monday, April 8, 2013

Exhibit: Choukoku

Exhibit: Choukoku

Exhibit: Choukoku
Avatar: Jonzi
By: Jonzi
Beginning Date: 4-8-13

When I first seen the Riko avatar with all it's beautiful mesh work on it... I hated it. It may just be the fact it was a popular avatar and I have a tendency to not like things on that account alone. Deep down in I was falling in love with mesh. The potential for it was limitless in the asfr community, and this little cutey would be the one to show me just what could be done with it.

The first thing I seen of Jonzi was a DARLING gynoid she had put together and that alone made me fall in love with her work. More and more she would show me her newest thing she was experimenting with and eventually she was able to show me just how much I would come to love mesh.
When I first asked her if she was interested in doing an exhibit she was adorble shy worried about what others would think about her work. I told her never once did I have some one be rude to the exhibits in the gallery. When she showed me idea I was beyondo driven to the brinks of lust. Such a sexy piece of work.
I also owe Jonzi a huge debt of gratitude for her being patient while I f**ked off. I owe you so much girl.


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