Thursday, August 30, 2012

Exhibit: Monyca's Chair

Exhibit: Monyca's Chair
Avatar: Petrifiedone
By: Petrifiedone & Monyca Medusa
Beginning Date: 4-18-12

Petrifiedone contacted me on my first vacation about exhibiting at the gallery, to say I was antsy for the week so I could reply to her is putting it lightly. When I did get back she was a lovely bust statue her skin and eyes and hair matching the base perfectly. I was pleased that we were able to become such close friends, because Petrifiedone and myself seemed to have so much in common.

She had expressed an interest in doing one of Kero's spellbooks, the chair in particular, and I was grabbed by someone who seemed to enjoy the objectification of fornaphillia like I do. But for somebody like her we couldn't just be a chair, and with someone I felt so connected with she had to be "My chair". Using the base scripts and pose from Kero's spellbook we were able to produce this beautiful design. The latex sheen in green and white just worked so well. She turned out better then I could have hoped.

(I have no clue what happened to this post originally, not sure if I plain old dropped the ball or if it just got screwed up on the sites end. Either way, I wanted to get Petrifiedone's pictures up, she deserves to be seen. Mony)

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